How to Submit a FOIA Request
Submit Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records of the Genesee County Land Bank Authority (GCLBA) must be submitted in writing. The request must describe the public record sufficiently to enable the GCLBA to find it. It must include the name, address, and contact information (phone number or email address) of the requester. The GCLBA can usually accommodate requests for electronic delivery of public records.
To assist the GCLBA in providing a prompt response, it is helpful if your request states "FOIA" or "FOIA Request" in the subject line of the email or communication containing the request.
For your convenience, the GCLBA can provide FOIA request forms, although no specific form is required. Note: A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in a local, state, or federal correctional facility is not entitled to submit a request for a public record under the FOIA.
Please submit your FOIA request through any of the following methods:
Mail or in-person:
Genesee County Land Bank Authority
FOIA Coordinator
452 S. Saginaw St.
Suite 200
Flint, Michigan 48502
Fax: 810-257-3090